I hate the effort, time and money I spent on rehabilitating my knees with their bilateral patella-femoral syndrome 5 years ago, only to see that hard work gone in the blink of an eye. Sure, it bought me time and energy to enjoy a short few years of playing with my family, but it seems like a waste in light of being sentenced to being hurt the rest of my life.
I hate that there is so much left to do in the world that I won't be able to do. I think of all the places I wanted to take the kids as they got older. I bided my time when they were little, anticipating the fun of having kids this age--old enough to keep up, old enough to inhale learning, old enough to appreciate. There will be no race to the top of trails or towers. Someone else will have to teach them
I'm having a hard time knowing that I can't just put in the hard work to get things done. I want to rearrange and change, but I can't. What once could be accomplished with stubborn, hard physical work is set aside. I have to give up the changes I want. I can't simply dig a hole and remove sod, or move the piano on my own. I am reliant on everyone around me. Frankly, when you are forever in need, there aren't a lot of people who stick around. And you don't want to alienate the few who do.
I hate giving up dreams, even those far-fetched ones that I know wouldn't work out. Remodel an old house to reflect the beauty of its era? That will never happen. That won't happen once we climb out of this financial pit we are in. That won't happen when the kids are raised. That won't happen because I can't do the work. Grow and preserve all of our own food? That won't happen. It won't happen even if I have the time and supplies to stand over a hot stove for hours canning like my grandmother taught me. I can't stand like a 70-year-old woman.
So I'm having a hard time with everything. I wanted to do so much and now I'm nothing more than a spectator at best and an obligation at worst.