Friday, January 8, 2016

One More Decision Updated

Its funny and a bit exhausting how life works now.  We have weeks of time where nothing happens and nothing changes.  Then we have times where we are so busy that we end up finally falling into bed in the wee hours of the morning every night.  This week was busy.

We managed to sell the Expedition and ended up buying a 15-year-old minivan.  Its humbling to accept that this isn't just a slump, that its life.  One of the harder parts of this situation is explaining to the kids that we cannot keep a possession that brings us anxiety, no matter how much we enjoyed the item to begin with.  So, even though I wanted to give in and feel sorry for myself over giving up a vehicle I really enjoyed, I had to suck up my disappointment and make it part of the adventure.

How do you make a 15 year old van fun?  A naming ceremony, of least you would hope.  We polled friends and family on Facebook, and talked about nicknames.  All was going well until my princess offered up the moniker of "The Big Rolling Turd."  She is my child most affected by all the changes, and there was no way to assuage the reality of this situation.  I could warn and coach her to be prepared, but I cannot take her feelings away or make her accept this in any way other than her own.

So it is with lukewarm excitement that we christen the minivan "Homer, the Big Rolling Turd."

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome. I am laughing so hard!! May the rolling turd serve you and your family well. ;)
