I was explicitly told NOT to bring a resume. I brought one, which my new friend, the case manager, actually was impressed with, and glad I brought. Receiving mixed information is annoying. I also came with a folder and notebook. I was the only person who took notes. This little habit of mine also surprised the case manager. I'm under the impression that the front desk person (the rude person who I first had contact with), may be giving a lot of misinformation out, I was told I didn't need to bring anything when I asked. I also suspect if people are reacting to her particular brand of disdain, the way it seemed in the orientation, that there is probably a lot of extra animosity from the people forced into this program.
I am required to spend a minimum amount of time working on applications and going to classes to learn how to apply for jobs and interview. Exciting mandatory attendance classes with titles such as:
Why Employers Get Grumpy When You Call In Sick
How and Why Research Wage Information for Job Search
Thanking Employers Improves Job Search Success
These titles make the English tutor in me cringe. These titles make the home educating mother in me flinch. Frankly, do I need a 45 minute class on why employers get mad when you miss work?
I have a confusing special time sheet I get to fill out and turn in every week. Now, searching for work on the state website, from the comfort of my recliner, while icing my knee, doesn't count on my special time sheet. But I can go in and search for work from their computer in a chair that hurts me and leaves me in tears and that does count. Making life more painful makes my special time sheet a special record of hell.
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